Aloha Dreams
Fabulous Recipes, Cooking for a Crowd & Dream Home Design
Meet my new Sous Chef, Christmas present and 22 pounds of darling love – Jake!
What do you think? Isn’t he just adorable? He’s my Christmas present and 22.5 pounds of needle-sharp puppy teeth just looking for stray recipe cards to happily shred to bits. I have NEVER said the word “poop” more often in my life! And what’s worse, I’m doing it at 3:00 am in the morning. In sub-zero temperatures. In the front yard. At the top of my voice (so as to be ignored over the howling wind). POOP DARN IT JAKE, POOP.
I’m sure the neighbors are now REALLY wondering what’s going on over here…

Here’s the most recent pic of him.

Notice that wet spot on my brand-new carpet over Jake’s shoulder? That’s AFTER the mess has been cleaned up.
Being a labrador, Jake really LOVES water. He is especially fond of the jacuzzi. Filled or not, occupied or not. I thought you might like to see just what we’re dealing with. Enjoy. And stay tuned. I have a lot of great recipes coming up, including a wonderfully flavorful Tortilla Soup and Tiramisu for a Crowd (or just you).
And stay tuned. I have a lot of great recipes coming up, including a wonderfully flavorful Tortilla Soup and Tiramisu for a Crowd (or just for you!).
Welcome to Aloha Dreams!
I'm so glad you dropped by. I'm Betsy. Here you'll find my favorite fabulous, trusted recipes - everything from delicious, quick meals for your family to wonderful classics made easy.
I'm also here to help you with large group recipes from 20 to 200. So next opportunity you get to cook for a large group - Say 'Yes!' Then relax. I've got your back.
Ever wished you could build your dream home? How about building your dream home in a tropical paradise? Join me, room by room, as we design and build a fabulous dream home in Hawaii!
Explore Aloha Dreams
If you're planning a vacation to Hawaii, I've got you covered on the very best places to go! From many amazing restaurants to incredible adventures in the surf and on land, this is your go-to source for unique and exciting things to do on the Big Island of Hawaii. Or just take a Virtual Vacation!! Let's go!
If you've been asked to cook for a large group activity, be it a Girl's Camp or a Graduation Party, say Yes! I'm here to help. From Menus to Game Plans to Recipes, I'll help you keep on schedule and turn out amazingly delicious food if you're cooking for a crowd! My recipes are tested and trusted. Let's cook!
Ever wished you could build your dream home? Like amazing house design and home building ideas? Me too! Join me as I design and build a home on the Big Island of Hawaii. Follow along while I design each room. Enjoy a front row seat for the entire amazing construction process. Let's play!
Would you like to throw a Luau, but not sure where to start? Want to know how to build a tiki bar and roast a pig? Here's everything you need to have a luau. How about a Christmas Feast or even a fabulous dinner for your neighborhood supper club? You've come to the right place. Let's party!